Kholat Full Version PC Game Highly Compressed Setup Direct Link.
Kholat PC Game Overview:
Kholat PC Game is a survival and horror video game. This game was developed by Polish Developers IMGN PRO. The player is a protagonist whose job is to find or track the nine Russians students of the college who are missing from the February 1959. They went missing on Kholat Syakh. This game is on real accident basing on the Dyatlov Pass Incident. In real even there were ten students and only nine went missing. After four months they were found dead. Kholat Syakhl”) is a transliteration in Russian of Holatchahl, meaning “Dead Mountain” in Mansi.
The gameplay of Kholat has a wide and open world and you have to play in the first person perspective. The campaign of this game is that there is a frozen forest and during the cold night you have to find different ways towards the target. This game is very much hard and when you are attacked your only hope for survival is to escape. Kholat utilizes a game mechanic which is known as Fear Manager. Its main purpose is to change the actions of the player according to the environment and having a unique gameplay throughout. Altogether this game is very exceptional and it is very appealing.
Other Search Terms
You can also download the game by Kholat PC game, Kholat PC game Free Download, Kholat PC game Full Version, Kholat PC game Direct Download Link, Kholat PC game Highly compressed keywords.
Kholat GamePlay Screen Shots:

Features of Kholat:
Following are the main features of Kholat PC Game that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.
- Based on the actual event of the Dyatlov Pass Incident.
- Open world gameplay.
- Can play with the first-person perspective.
- Utilizes game mechanic of Fear Manager.
- Appealing graphics.vv
System Requirements For Kholat:
- CPU: Intel Core i3
- CPU Speed: Info
- RAM: 4 GB
- OS: Windows 7 32 bit
- Video Card: GeForce GTX 470
- Free Disk Space: 5 GB
Recommended Requirements For Kholat:
- CPU: Intel Core i5
- CPU Speed: Info
- RAM: 8 GB
- OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit
- Video Card: GeForce GTX 660 TI
- Click here for the latest video card drivers
- Free Disk Space: 10 GB
How to Download and Install Kholat on PC?
- Download it using the links given below.
- Use WinRAR to extract the file.
- Open “Kholat Game” folder, click on the “Installer” and install it now.
- After you see that the installation is complete go to the folder where you placed it.
- Open the folder and double-click on the setup file and wait for some time.
- When the setup is complete click on “Kholat Game” icon to play the Game.
- Enjoy the game.