Assassins Creed 1 PC Game Full Version Game Highly Compressed Setup Direct Link.
Assassins Creed 1 PC Game Overview:
game was also criticized for the constant nature of its gameplay. The Assassin’s Creed won several awards at the E3 in 2006, likewise several end-year awards after its release. The game spawned a series Assassin’s Creed II, which was released in the November 2009. Since the release and success fullness of Assassin’s Creed II, subsequent releases were annual until 2016 – with several other Assassins and time periods. Must Download the Latest version Assassin’s Creed Unity.
Assassin’s Creed 1 pc game is an action-adventure video game in which the player primarily considers the role of Altair, as experienced by the protagonist Desmond Miles. The primary goal of the game is to carry out a sequel of Assassinations ordered by Al Mualim, the head of the Assassins. To resolve this goal, a player must travel from the
Brotherhood’s headquarters in the Masyaf, across the terrain of the Holy Land known as the Kingdom to 1 of 3 cities—Jerusalem, Acre, or the Damascus—to find the Brotherhood agent in the city. There, the agent, in addition to providing a protected house, gives the player minimum knowledge about the target and requires them to perform
further “recon” missions before attempting the assassination. These missions add eavesdropping, interrogation, the pickpocketing and completing the tasks for informers and fellow the assassins.
Additionally, a player may take part in each number of side objectives in these open-world environments, more climbing tall towers to map out the city, and saving citizens who are being in danger or harassed by the city guards. There are also several side quests that do not advance the plot such as hunting down and the killing Templars and
flag collecting. After ending each set of assassinations, the player is returned to the Brotherhood and rewarded with a more suitable weapon and then given another set of points with the player free to choose the order of certain targets.
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Assassin’s Creed 1 GamePlay Screen Shots:

System Requirements For Assassin’s Creed 1:
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU: 2.6 GHz Intel Dual Core processor or later.
- RAM: 1 GB Hard
- Disk Space: 8 GB
How to Download and Install Assassin’s Creed 1 on PC?
- Download it using the links given below.
- Use WinRAR to extract the file.
- Open “Assassin’s Creed 1” folder, click on “Installer” and install it now.
- After you see that the installation is complete go to the folder where you placed it.
- Open the folder and double-click on the setup file and wait for some time.
- When the setup is complete click on “Assassin’s Creed 1” icon to play the game.
- Enjoy the game.
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